Presale Details
A public token sale is held on 12/30/21. Raised funds will be used to inject liquidity into DENI's pair pools. The amount of tokens for sale corresponds to 1% of the total supply. Presale will be executed on
The valuation of the token was carried out using the framework proposed by financial analyst Chris Burniske, which can be found at this link. The method used uses the exchange equation applied to an economy that only reflects the utility of the token within the gaming market. In other words, the result reflected by this study underestimates the value of the token, since it has not considered the uses as a token of a financial protocol or as a governance token. If we were to consider token economies in these markets the valuation would be much higher, but we felt it was appropriate to use a conservative valuation framework. In this framework, our valuation of the token yields a Net Present Value of $0.45 USD, which will be the value at which it can be traded when we open the pair pools. We will sell the token at a 20% discount, at $0.36 during the presale, to favor our first followers and stimulate the formation of the first pool that will be used to create the pools.
Full valuation analysis of the token could be found here.
The following table describes presale details.
ERC20 (Polygon)
Sale Date
Purchase Limit
Tokens for Sale
[%] of Total Supply
IDO Token Price
Fundraising Goal
Funding Method
3 months linear vesting
Last updated